At the beginning of the second semester i was given a project to make film stills photographs as they were from a movie. I had to choose a film genre to start with and then produce six images that would relate to my chosen genre, so i picked film noir. The reason i chose it was because it included the film Sin City (2005) which had an intrusion of single colour in the shots which i thought would be useful to make viewers pay attention to some details.
During the project i have learnt how to organise a photoshoot, and how to add certain photoshop effects, the purpose was also to learn how to operate the lights and how they can bring importance and mood to an image. I did not have a lot of influences on this project but i did relate a little to Sarah Moon who uses sctraches and blurs in her images. Most of the influences came from the movie itself.,show,1,55,0,0,0,0,0,0,sarah_moon.html
About Me

- Raimonda
- I am a 22 year old girl who is trying to discover herself within the world of arts and fashion, at the moment i am studying graphic design and photography and it finally feels like home. I am a very visual person so i am easily touched by beautiful images and views i see everyday around me. Because i am emotional i experience incredible amount of happiness when i see something nice. I have not decided what am i going to be after i finish university but i know that i am on the right path and moving towards something very exciting. My aim in life is to show people what i can see and on the way im doing everything to achieve different techniques and ways of how to do so and what to show.
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