About Me

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I am a 22 year old girl who is trying to discover herself within the world of arts and fashion, at the moment i am studying graphic design and photography and it finally feels like home. I am a very visual person so i am easily touched by beautiful images and views i see everyday around me. Because i am emotional i experience incredible amount of happiness when i see something nice. I have not decided what am i going to be after i finish university but i know that i am on the right path and moving towards something very exciting. My aim in life is to show people what i can see and on the way im doing everything to achieve different techniques and ways of how to do so and what to show.

Thursday, 31 March 2011


Appropriation in my own words would mean the influences and inspirations of the artwork. What are they and where do they come from? There are some pieces of work that have a meaningful mixed media or a few different visual objects each coming from its own world (by world i mean religion, someone elses primary research or work, traditions, products etc.). 

This image made me think the most when i started my research. This is Constantine Boym‘s "The Ultimate Art Furniture". What i experience looking at this piece is much deeper thoughts than it is noted in the weblink. The painting itself is of a Christ being taken off the cross he was nailed to. Religious people feel discomfort and what an idea of making this as a piece of a furniture says is comfort. It argues the religion issues. Maybe it wants to tell us that we became too comfortable with the religion and we don‘t take it seriously anymore as people used to. Religion became fashion, art, and caricatures. Now people have their freedom to choose a religion or to have no religion at all.

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